Information and Free Pregnancy Resources in Alabama to Help You During Pregnancy.
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Answers to Common Pregnancy Questions
About Pregnancy

Conception and Development
Each of us began as a single fertilized cell (zygote) after a particular sperm penetrates a particular egg in one of the fallopian tubes attached to the uterus. At that instant, the covering around that zygote blockades itself so that no other sperm can enter.
What happens next?
Within about 10 hours, the first mitotic division occurs, and 2 cells result. Over the next 5-10 days, this mitotic division happens over and over. The cells combine into a round ball of about 100 cells (blastocyst) which finally arrive in a mother’s uterus, find a good spot in the endometrial lining, embed, and continue to grow uninterrupted for the next 8-9 months.
What is an embryo?
The term ‘embryo’ is from Greek, meaning “to swell” or very early life. The term embryo generally is used to denote from fertilization to 8 weeks of development.
What is a fetus?
The term ‘fetus’ is a Latin word that means ‘young one’, or ‘offspring’, and is used to denote the developing individual from 8 weeks through birth. By 8 weeks of development, all organs are present in the body.
Embryo and fetus are words used for centuries to characterize and define the developmental stages of developing humans throughout pregnancy, just as we use the words newborn, toddler, pre-teen, adolescent, and adult to characterize stages of life after birth.
About Your Pregnancy Options
Even if the timing doesn’t seem right for career, relationship, or financial reasons, it doesn’t mean you don’t have choices. Pregnancy centers in Alabama offer information, support, and resources that can help you make an informed decision about your pregnancy options.
You have three primary pregnancy options.
The number of births in the United States increased in 2021 to 3.6 million babies. Women are finding they can have a career and a baby.
Currently, 4% of women with unwanted pregnancies place their children through adoption, with an estimated 1-2 million couples waiting to adopt at any given time.
Source: Adoption Network
Abortion permanently ends a human life. It is a forever decision. More than half of all abortions are chemical abortions, not surgical abortions.
Source: Pew Research Center

About Abortion Options
There are two main types of abortion: surgical and chemical.
Both terminate your pregnancy, and have their own complications and risks.
Right now, ~54% of all American abortions occur chemically.
There are a number of terms for chemical abortion. For example, “Plan C” is often used as a slang term for chemical abortion.
Statistics provided by Guttmacher Institute research.
of Abortions are Chemical Abortions
Considering an abortion, but have questions? Find and contact a pregnancy center near you. They’ve helped thousands of women navigate tough decisions.
Life is a journey of crossroads, each of which requires the education and thought process to decide which way to go.
What is surgical abortion?
Several types of surgical abortion are possible throughout pregnancy. The most common are: Suction, D&C, and D&E.
Suction (Vacuum Aspiration) is used in early pregnancy. The human embryo is pulled apart and then sucked out from the uterus. It may be the least traumatic for the cervix (muscle at the base of the uterus).
In pregnancy up to 16 weeks, the human fetus is larger with formed bones and muscles. A D&C (dilation & curettage) abortion cuts the human fetus into pieces small enough to remove from the uterus.
After 16 weeks of pregnancy, a D&E (dilation and evacuation) is usually performed. In a D&E, limbs are twisted, ripped off the human fetus, and pulled from the uterus.
Many studies show that induced abortion by these methods increases the chance of pre-term birth in future pregnancies. These methods introduce the danger of ripping and tearing the cervix muscle. The cervix is what keeps the uterus closed during pregnancy to protect the developing human fetus. When the cervix is damaged, there are greater chances of miscarriage and pre-term birth in future pregnancies. Children born prematurely have a greater risk of lung and neurological challenges such as autism and death.
What is chemical abortion?
Chemical abortion can only be used up to 63 days (9 weeks) after fertilization.
A chemical abortion combines two pills. The first pill starves the fetus of oxygen and nutrients, the second pills forces the woman into contractions to deliver the fetus.
Do more women procure surgical or chemical abortions?
Right now, ~54% of all American abortions occur chemically, via the abortion pill.
Which type of abortion is safer?
All types of abortion have risks and complications. It’s generally believed that chemical abortions are safer. However, studies indicate that chemical abortions result in more hospital visits and admissions because of infection, hemorrhaging, and other health issues.
What are other terms for a chemical abortion?
A chemical abortion is also referred to as a medical abortion, medication abortion, at home abortion, self-managed abortion, or Plan C.
How is a chemical abortion performed?
Chemical abortion commonly involves a woman taking 2 types of pills within 9 weeks (63 days) after fertilization, to end the life within.
The first pill starves the fetus of oxygen and nutrients, the second pills forces the woman into contractions to deliver the fetus.
Are abortion pills used for anything else?
No. The only reason to take these chemicals, which are abortifacients/cause abortion, is to terminate a very young but growing human baby.
How will I feel after taking the first pill?
Physically, you will probably not feel any change after the first pill (mifepristone).
Emotionally, feeling initial relief after taking the first pill, women may begin to regret that action.
How will I feel after taking the second pill?
While there is no clinical research, a large percentage of women have reported their own stories of severe contractions within 30 minutes after taking the misoprostol. Many women have hemorrhaged after taking misoprostol, requiring repeated hospital visits. Cardiac arrest has also been reported.
Younger women can experience serious harm if severe contractions attempt to force open the cervix (circular muscle at the base of the uterus). This is because younger women generally have a strong cervix muscle.
If I regret taking the abortion pill, can I stop it?
If you decide to stop, or reverse, the abortive action of mifepristone, you can receive a large dose of natural progesterone quickly, within 24 hours, or as soon within 72 hours after consuming the mifepristone as possible. Depending on the medical protocol, you will repeat this for a period of time, probably through the first trimester, to ensure the safety of your developing child.
I don’t know if I can do this…
You have the right to know, and the right to change your mind. Even if you have started the chemical abortion process, reversal may still be a option for you. NO woman should feel forced to finish a chemical abortion she regrets starting. You may still be able to let your baby live and meet your baby. Time is precious, and so is your baby — call now or find a center near you now.
Related: I can’t raise this baby.
About Abortion Pills
Abortion pills are commonly referred to as a chemical abortion. Chemical abortion involves a woman taking 2 types of pills within 9 weeks (63 days) after fertilization, to end the life within.
Pill #1- Mifepristone
Other names: “abortion pill”, originally known as RU-486.
What it does.
Mifepristone blocks natural progesterone in the woman’s body. Natural progesterone develops & supports the placenta, which contains the developing embryo/fetus, providing close connection between the mother-child blood vessels for the exchange of nutrients, removal of waste products, & oxygen and the removal of carbon dioxide.
Once the progesterone is blocked by mifepristone, the exchange between mother-child begins to stop.
NOTE: Your provider may substitute Methotrexate for Mifepristone, but Methotrexate is no longer widely used.
Pill #2- Misoprostol
Other names: Cytotec
What it does.
Misoprostol causes uterine contractions. Taken by the woman 6-48 hours after mifepristone (depending on directions from the abortion provider). Misoprostol can cause rapid and severe contractions.
Abortion pills require a prescription from a licensed healthcare provider. The state of Alabama does have restrictions on medical abortions. Contact a pregnancy center near you for more information.
Are the abortion pill and the morning-after pill the same thing?
No. Chemical abortion is not the ‘Morning After Pill’ (MAP).
MAP is marketed as an emergency contraception method. The most commonly used preparation contains a high level of progestin (different than progesterone) and can be taken up to 72 hours after sexual intercourse.
While it can sometimes prevent ovulation (release of an egg), as research continues it is now recognized that it can prevent implantation of the young human embryo into the lining of the uterus. This is a contra-gestational or abortifacient effect, not a contraceptive effect.
About At-Home Abortion
At-Home Abortion means the same as abortion pill.
If you’ve heard about at-home abortions and have questions, you can get more information from a local pregnancy center.
You may also hear these alternate terms that mean the same thing as at-home abortion:
Abortion Pill
Chemical Abortion
Medication Abortion
Self-Managed Abortion
Plan C
About Abortion Pill Reversal
Abortion Pill Reversal Options
Abortion pill reversal is the medical protocol used to reverse the effects of the first abortion pill.
A pregnancy center can either administer or refer you for abortion pill reversal.
Visit or call (877) 558-0333.
Visit or call (855) 535-1561.
How many abortion pill reversals have been successful?
About 4,000 healthy babies have been born through this process in the last several years. As more women take the first abortion pill, and then learn about this reversal process, success stories will only increase!
What are the chances of restoring my pregnancy with the reversal process?
Initial studies suggest that there is a 64%-67% chance of restoring the placenta to full function and going on to deliver a normal, healthy baby. If no action is taken, there is a much smaller chance the child will survive.
Note: Abortion Pill Reversal (APR) has been shown to increase the chances of allowing the pregnancy to continue. However, the outcome of your particular reversal attempt cannot be guaranteed.
“After I took the abortion pill, it was crystal clear to me that I made a huge mistake. I popped out of bed, went downstairs, and began to search on Google. I clicked on ‘abortion reversal.’ I called the hotline provided on the website and asked, ‘Is it true that the abortion pill can be reversed?’ The hotline nurse answered, ‘Yes.'”
I have abortion regret. What should I do?
If you’ve started an at-home abortion with abortion pills and regret it, you may still have a chance to reverse your abortion.
If you are seeking an abortion pill reversal, time is of the absolute essence. Contact a local pregnancy center or one of the abortion pill reversal contacts (listed above) immediately.
Is abortion pill reversal guaranteed?
Initial studies indicate a 64-67% chance of restoring the placenta to full function and women going on to deliver a normal, healthy baby. However, the outcome of your particular reversal attempt cannot be guaranteed.
If you are seeking an abortion pill reversal, time is of the essence. Contact a local pregnancy center or one of the abortion pill reversal hotlines immediately.
Who runs abortion pill reversal?
The abortion pill reversal protocol is administered by the Abortion Pill Rescue Network (APRN). Abortion Pill Rescue Network is a team of over 1,000 healthcare professionals, ready 24/7 to help you at a moment’s notice — giving your baby a second chance.
Will I spot or cramp after starting abortion pill reversal?
Spotting or bleeding is common during the reversal treatment. Importantly, continue the progesterone even if you experience spotting or bleeding unless directed otherwise.
If you experience heavy bleeding, faintness, severe abdominal pain, or fever, seek emergency medical attention immediately. This could be an effect of the first abortion pill and would require immediate care.
It is very important to have an ultrasound to confirm that your baby is in the uterus as soon as possible.
Will my baby be okay? What about birth defects?
Neither the standard abortion pill nor progesterone is associated with birth defects.
The American Academy of Obstetricians and Gynecologists stated in its Practice Bulletin 143, March 2014 (reaffirmed 2016): “No evidence exists to date of a teratogenic effect.” In other words, it does not appear that the abortion pill causes birth defects.
Progesterone, used in the reversal process, has been safely used in pregnancy for decades. Initial studies have found that the birth defect rate in babies born after the APR is less or equal to the rate in the general population.
A 1999 FDA review revealed no increased risk of birth defects in pregnant women taking progesterone. After more than 25 years of progesterone support in pregnancy, it has been stated, “All of the available evidence strongly supports its safety when used in pregnancy.”
What about the other pills the abortion business gave me?
Do not take these pills if you wish to continue your pregnancy.
The purpose of the second pill, misoprostol, is to cause the uterus to contract and expel the developing human child. The second pill is not needed and should not be taken if you want to try to reverse the chemical abortion.
Some progesterone treatments include peanut oil - what if I am allergic to peanuts?
If you are allergic to peanut oil, notify your provider before beginning abortion pill reversal. Progesterone may include this ingredient, so it is important that you notify your provider of any of these allergies before taking progesterone. An alternative form of progesterone may be available for those with an allergy.
About Carrying to Term
Carrying to term and delivering your baby is statistically the most common option. Many things impact a woman’s decision about having a child. If you’re on the fence about what to do, consulting with someone who can provide insight based on your unique circumstances is a good first step. It turns out, many women discover they have more options than they thought.
“I can’t have a baby right now.”
If you think parenting might be an option for you, but you have concerns about money, baby supplies, insurance or your parenting skills, there may be more local help available than you know. Contact a pregnancy center near you to see how they can help.
About Adoption
Adoption means delivering your baby, then placing the child in the care of an approved family or non-biological parent. That person or family assumes the responsibility of being a parent.

What’s the difference between an open or closed adoption?
You can choose an “open” or “closed” adoption, depending on your preference.
Open Adoption
An open adoption allows you (the biological parent) some association and communication with your child. The type and frequency of communication is up to you. The adoptive person/s (non-biological parent/s) agree and are legally bound to these terms.
Closed Adoption
A closed adoption means no identifying information about you (the biological parent) is shared with the adoptive person/s (non-biological parents). Typically, this stands until your child reaches 18 or the then current legal age.
How do I find out more about adoption?
There are more than fifty pregnancy centers in Alabama that can answer adoption questions and help you find and connect with the best adoption agency for your needs.
You can can also visit the National Council for Adoption online.
Alabama Pregnancy Solutions connects you to local and free resources in Alabama that provide pregnancy-related services like:
Pregnancy Care & Support
Pregnancy Education
Pregnancy Testing
Pregnancy Ultrasounds
Abortion Information
Abortion Pill Reversal
Post-Abortion Recovery
Adoption Information
Maternity & Baby Clothing
Baby Diapers
Dad's Mentoring & Groups
Medicaid Referrals
STI Testing
STI Treatments